Sunday, October 19, 2008


Republicans like to throw around the label “liberal” as if being free were something to be ashamed of, as if all of our founding fathers weren't liberals! Republicans also accuse Democrats of trying to create more “Big Government.”

But really, what is a government that...?

Tells two people who love each other that they can’t be married or even share benefits, investments, and ownership of property, even though they pay taxes and contribute to society? Republican
Tells a husband that he can’t save the life of his wife in an emergency situation? Republican

Tells a woman she can’t make decisions about her own body and health? Republican

Tells a spouse they can’t unplug artificial life-support after years of suffering and even after doctors have already concluded no chance of return? Republican

Increased government spending more than any of the six presidents preceding him, spent almost twice as much as his predecessor, and increased the federal budget by 104%? Republican under George W. Bush

Destroyed a surplus and ran up a national debt into the trillions, 500 billion of which we owe directly to Communist China? 
Republican under George W. Bush

Spends our taxpayer money on war, contractors, and repaying their lobbyists who elected them, but then tells us money spent on positive social issues like job creation and healthcare is "socialism"? Republican

Supports large insurance company profits over the health of the American people, while over 3,000 people (the equivalent of 9/11) die every month because they either have no or little healthcare coverage. Republican

Allows and promotes the biggest corporations to pollute the environment and threaten the health of Americans? Republican

Prefers the destruction of wildlife habitats and national parks over that of a clean alternative form of energy? Republican

Cuts taxes and provides subsidies for the biggest and most polluting corporation in the world, Exxon Mobile, which happened to be its biggest campaign contributor in 2000/02/04/06/08? Republican

Speaking of large corporations that donate and support their agenda, Wal-Mart is another big monopoly that has run small businesses into the ground, polluted and destroyed land, under pays their employees, and uses slave labor from other nations to fill their shelves with merchandise? Republican

Exports American jobs to foreign nations like Mexico and Communist China? Republican

Gives all of the no-bid contracts to fund the war to all of their campaign contributors and former employers who rake in record profits? Republican

Allows these contractors profit from over-charging the troops for food, laundry, and other supplies by 150% the normal cost, which is then billed to the American taxpayer? Republican

Wastes millions of unaccounted tax payer money to pay for a war that has killed over 4,000 Americans and an estimated one million Iraqis? Republican

Sends our men and women to wage war with a nation that didn’t attack us, didn’t have WMD, and didn’t have links to terrorism like they told us? Republican

Gives all of the no-bid contracts to fund the war to all of their campaign contributors and former employers who rake in record profits? Republican

Allows these contractors to profit from over-charging the troops for food, laundry, and other supplies by 150% the normal cost, which is then billed to the American taxpayer? Republican

Ignores the 50 million Americans living in poverty and the other 50 million without health insurance, while it cuts taxes for the wealthiest and biggest corporations? Republican

Cuts taxes for the wealthy and excludes 31% of all U.S. families. Among those left out were 1 million children of military families? 
Tells parents, “sorry, your child was shot because another person’s privilege to buy an assault weapon is more important”? Republican

Tells the spouse of a dead cop the same thing? 

Supports military style assault weapons (and "cop-killer" bullets) on the streets that endanger the lives of all citizens, only because one of their largest lobbyists, the NRA, orders them to do so.  Republican

Hunts down cancer patients who smoke marijuana, instead of hunting down heroin and crystal meth dealers who have plagued American communities with drugs? 

Spies on Americans and violates their civil liberties with the invasive Patriot Act? Republican

Puts all of their cronies in high positions even though they’re grossly unqualified? Republican

Forbids funding for life-saving stem cell research and labels scientists madmen and murderers? Republican

Tries to silence scientists about global warming, endangered species, and pollution to protect their big corporate contributors’ profits in the energy industry? 

The simple answer...

A government that does all of the above is certainly a BIG GOVERNMENT, but it also happens to be a REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT!

The next time someone tells you Democrats are for big government, laugh in their face. They're either full of shit and think you're dumb or they just don't know what the hell they're talking about.

And as far as the word liberal goes, we should be proud to be "liberals." It's the definition of freedom. It's what our troops have fought so hard to preserve for over 230 years now.

The word "liberal" represents the open-mindedness that lead to the inventions of the automobile, the space missions to the moon and beyond, the computer and internet that you're using right now.

Liberalism is the freethinking mentality and philosophy that freed the slaves from conservative mentality and philosophy: the old Southerners who didn't want to change even though they knew what they were doing was immoral.

Liberalism is actually the very freethinking philosophy of which our nation was founded upon. Anyone who tells you any different just doesn't know the history of our great nation.